Championship Round |
The Championship round was held at all nine 1st division tracks. The 51 riders from the previous round were joined by 21 1st division riders. Each rider competed in tow meetings with the top 16 scorers qulifying for the World Final. |
18/08/1951 Birmingham
18/08/1951 Bradford Odsal
31/08/1951 Bristol
31/08/1951 Harringay
15/08/1951 New Cross
16/08/1951 Wembley
14/08/1951 West Ham
13/08/1951 Wimbledon
18/08/1951 Belle Vue |
Qualifying Riders - Jack Biggs 29 Split Waterman 27 Alan Hunt 26 Aub Lawson 25 Ronnie Moore 25 Freddie Williams 24 Louis Lawson 23 Bob Leverenz 23 Norman Parker 23 Ernie Roccio 23 Eric Williams 23 Jack Young 23 Cyril Brine 22 Jeff Lloyd 22 Jack Parker 22 Eddie Rigg 22
Qualifying as reserves -
Dick Bradley 21 Geoff Mardon 21
did not qualify -
Billy Hole 21 Bill Kitchen 20 Len Williams 20 John Reason 19 Bob Oakley 19 Bruce Abernethy 19 Eric Boothroyd 18 Derick Close 17 Graham Warren 17 Tom Oakley 17 Dennis Gray 17 Eric Chitty 17 Fred Curtis 16 Bruce Semmens 16 Vic Emms 16 Arthur Forrest 16 Eric French 15 Olle Nygren 15 Ron Mountford 15 Frank Lawrence 15 Wally Green 14 Malcolm Craven 13 Henry Long 13 Len Read 13 Ken Adams 13 Trevor Redmond 12 Dent Oliver 12 Peter Robinson 12 Tommy Price 12 Tommy Miller 12 Jack Mountford 12 Phil Clarke 12 Ken Sharples 11 Noel Watson 10 Roy Craighead 10 Wilf Jay 9 Bill Kemp 9 Cyril Roger 9 George Smith 9 Harry Saunders 9 Gordon McGregor 9 Chris Boss 9 Jimmy Squibb 6 Harry Edwards 6 Son Mitchell 6 Fred Brand 6 Bob Baker 6 Ron Peace 5 Eric Salmon 4 Geoff Pymar 4 Frank Hodgson 3 Junior Bainbridge 2 Jack Hodgson 1 Merv Harding 0 |
New Cross |
West Ham |
Birmingham |
Bristol |
Wimbledon |
Wembley |
Odsal |
Harringay |
Second Round |
Round Two involed meetings at the second division tracks The 18 riders from round one were joined by remaining 2nd division riders and 45 1st division riders. Each rider contested two meetings and the top 51 highest scorers progressed to Championship round. |
21/07/1951 Coventry
16/07/1951 Cradley Heath
21/07/1951 Edinburgh
11/07/1951 Fleetwood
10/07/1951 Glasgow Ashfield
11/07/1951 Glasgow White City
11/07/1951 Halifax
13/07/1951 Leicester
16/07/1951 Liverpool
13/07/1951 Motherwell
21/07/1951 Norwich
12/07/1951 Oxford
10/07/1951 Southampton
21/07/1951 Stoke Hanley
16/07/1951 Walthamstow
10/07/1951 Yarmouth
13/07/1951 Newcastle |
Qualifiers for Championship Round -Jack Young 30 Tommy Miller 30 Dick Campbell 29 Ken Sharples 27 Tom Oakley 27 Arthur Forrest 26 Bruce Abernethy 26 Ron Mountford 26 Ernie Roccio 25 Jack Mountford 25 Johnny Reason 25 Phil Clarke 25 Roy Craighead 25 Wilf Jay 25 Bob Laverenz 24 Derek Close 24 Don Cuppleditch 24 Junior Bainbridge 24 Cyril Brine 23 Trevor Redmond 23 Eric Salmon 22 Ken Adams 22 Mike Erskine 22 Noel Watson 22 Vic Emms 22 Eric Williams 21 Geoff Pymar 21 George Smith 21 Jack Hodgson 21 Jimmy Squibb 21 Merv Harding 21 Olle Nygren (S) 21 Peter Robinson 21 Ron Peace 21 Bill Kitchen 20 Eric Chitty 20 Fred Brand 20 Gordon McGregor 20 Len Williams 20 Bruce Semmens 19 Harry Edwards 19 Jack Biggs 19 Son Mitchell 19 Bob Baker 18 Dennis Gray 18 Harry Saunders 18 Henry Long 18 Len Read 18 Bill Kemp 17 Chris Boss 17 Jack Freeman 17
did not qualify - Eric Boothroyd 16 Frank Hodgson 16 Frank Lawrence 16 Fred Curtis 16 Les Beaumont 16 Benny King 15 Guy Allott 15 Jim Boyd 15 Pete Lansdale 15 Phil Malpass 15 Reg Duval 15 Sune Karlsson 15 Charlie May 14 Danny Dunton 14 Jeff Mardon 14 Joe Bowkis 14 Laurie Schofield 14 Les Hewitt 14 Norman Hargreaves 14 Alf Parker 13 Don Hardy 13 Jim Tolley 13 Oliver Hart 13 Reg Reeves 13 Arthur Bush 12 Bill Crosland 12 Don Potter 12 Jock Grierson 12 Maury Dunn 12 Bob Fletcher 11 Bob Jones 11 Bob Mark 11 Geoff Mardon 11 Herby King 11 Howdy Byford 11 Joe Crowther 11 Les Jenkins 11 Les Tolley 11 Norman Lindsay 11 Reg Morgan 11 Al Allison 10 Arthur Payne 10 Cliff Watson 10 Cyril Cooper 10 Eric Irons 10 Gil Craven 10 Stan Williams 10 Bill Harris 9 Cyril Page 9 Derrick Tailby 9 Harold Fairhurst 9 Harry Welch 9 Jack Unstead 9 Tony Lewis 9 Bill Longley 8 Jackie Gates 8 Lindsay Mitchell 8 Lionel Watling 8 Ray Harris 8 Ron How 8 Ron Johnston 8 Tom Small 8 Arthur Atkinson 7 Bert Croucher 7 Brian Pritchett 7 Cyril Quick 7 John Yates 7 Mick Holland 7 Mike Beddoe 7 Ron Wilson 7 Will Lowther 7 Alan Smith 6 Bill Osborne 6 Bob Lovell 6 Charlie New 6 Reg Trott 6 George Wilks 5 Jack Hughes 5 Lloyd Goffe 5 Mitchell 5 Alec Hunter 4 Eskil Carlsson 4 Jack Gates 4 Nobby Stock 4 Alec Burrows 3 Buck Whitby 3 Frank Boyle 3 Harwood Pike 3 Jackie Hughes 3 Jimmy Gooch 3 Ken Walsh 3 Tom O'connor 3 Arthur Pilgrin 2 Bill Bridgett 2 Bill Codling 2 Jack Chignell 2 Len Nicholson 2 Roger Wise 2 Ron Johnson 2 Vic Gent 2 Alf McIntosh 1 Bertil Carlsson 1 Cecil Bailey 1 Ernie Appleby 1 Hugh Geddes 1 Jack Wright 1 Peter Moore 1 Ray Moore 1 Willie Wilson 1 Angus McGuire 0 Arthur Burrows 0 Bob Linsay 0 Dyson Harper 0 George Newton 0 Jack Dawson 0 Johnny Sargeant 0 Johnny White 0 Keith Gurtner 0 Larry Lazarus 0 Lionel Benson 0 Mike Tamms 0 Peter Brough 0 Sid Hipperson 0 |
Walthamstow |
Swindon |
Newcastle |
Leicester |
Yarmouth |
First Round |
Round one involved meetings at 3rd division tracks involving riders from the 3rd division and 2nd division. The top 18 scoring riders less any foreign riders who were seeded direct to round two. |
02/06/1951 Aldershot
31/05/1951 Cardiff
04/06/1951 Exeter
02/06/1951 Rayleigh
02/06/1951 Swindon |
Qualifyers - Derek Tailby 15 Hugh Geddes 15 Trewor Redmond 14 Tony Lewis 13 Maury Dunn 13 Pete Lansdale 13 Alan Smith 13 Don Hardy 13 Jim Wright 13 Johnny Sargeant 13 Les Beaumont 12 Ton O'Connor 12 Cyril Cooper 12 Harold Fairhurst 12 Peter Moore 12 Vic Gent 12 Bob Jones 11 Les Tolley 11 Mick Holland 11
Non Qualifyers - Geoff Mardon 10 Terry Small 10 Ken Walsh 10 Mick Callaghan 10 Al Allison 9 Basil Harris 9 Jack Unstead 9 Arthur Pilgrin 9 Bob Roger 9 Dick Tolley 9 Nick Nicholaides 9 Norman Lindsay 9 Harold Bull 8 Ivor Powell 8 Jimmy Grant 8 Ron Philips 8 Wilie Wilson 8 Don Hawley 8 Kevin Hayden 8 Ray Harris 8 Ray Johnson 8 Bill Hoden 7 Norman Street 7 Tip Mills 7 Alex Gray 7 George Wall 7 Ray Ellis 7 Royal Carrol 7 Bill Thatcher 6 Lionel Benson 6 Peter Orpwood 6 Ron Howes 6 Don Wilkinson 6 Harold Mcnaughton 6 Ken McKinlay 6 Mick Mitchell 5 Oz Osborne 5 Bob McFarlane 5 Charlie Hayden 5 Don Lawson 5 Eric Mason 5 Ray Harker 5 Frank Wheeler 4 Gerald Jackson 4 Stan Page 4 Buck Whitby 4 Eddie Lack 4 Bill Dalton 3 Bill Rundle 3 Johnny Bradford 3 Bill Griffiths 3 Fred Rogers 3 Jack Bedkober 3 Ted Moore 3 Ernie Rawlins 2 Roy Moreton 2 Frank Malouf 1 Keith Gurtner 1 Pedlar Palmer 1 Trevor Davies 1 Syd George 0 Jeff Crawford 0 John Fitzpatrick 0 Vic Sage 0 Vic Gooden Buster Brown (dnr) Frank Ewans (dnr) |
Cardiff |
Aldershot |