
Scottish 500cc Championship 29/06/1929

29 June 1929
Marine Gardens
Scottish 500cc Championship
1st Drew McQueen
2nd Billy Galloway
3rd Ned Kelly
Heat 1 Drew McQueen Walter Creasor James Logie (F) 1min 29.6
Heat 2 Syd Parsons Chris Hughes Bob McGregor 1min 31
Heat 3 Colin Stewart Dick Wise (F) Bill Dickie (F) ( One Finisher Only ) 1min 38.8
Heat 4 Andy Marr Sprouts Elder (F) Charles Sanderson (F) ( Race Awarded ) * No Time
Heat 5 Ned Kelly Sam Reid Jim Holder (F) 1min 30.8
Heat 6 Jack Chapman Maurice Bradshaw (F) Andy Nicholl (F) 1min 31.8
Heat 7 Billy Galloway Eric Burnet Oliver Goodfellow (RET) 1min 30.8
Heat 8 Ivor Creek George McKenzie Harry Duncan 1min 28.8
Heat 9 Norrie Isbister Bill Naismith Andy Milne 1min 32.4
Semi Final Drew McQueen Colin Stewart Syd Parsons (RET)(T) 1min 29.8
Semi Final Ned Kelly Andy Marr Jack Chapman (F) 1min 32.2
Semi Final Billy Galloway Ivor Creek Norrie Isbister ( New Track Record ) 1min 26
Final 1st Drew McQueen £100 plus Scottish Auto Cycle Union Gold Medallion and Trophy 1min 30
2nd Billy Galloway £50 plus S.A.C.U Silver Medallion
3rd Ned Kelly £25 plus S.A.C.U Bronze Medallion
The Marine Gardens Speedway was the scene of the greatest dirt track meeting yet staged when the Scottish Open Dirt Track Championship (500cc) was decided on 29 June 1929. So great was the crowd that the ground was completely and efficiently packed and to avoid any trouble the gates were closed. Over 34,000 were then within the ground.

From start to finish the racing was eventful and he crowd was well provided with thrills not the least exciting of which was the final.

The entry was of an international nature, Australia, England and Scotland being well represented, while American prestige was in the keeping of Sprouts Elder.

Elder unfortunately was disappointing as he did not advance beyond his heat and strangely enough was defeated by a man who did not complete the course. Elder and Tiger Sanderson fell in the first lap and after Andy Marr had gone ahead as both were down the race waas stopped. Instead of a re-run Marr was awarded the race and it was very evident that Elder was far from pleased.

The Edinburgh riders were the victims of fluctuating fortunes. Drew McQueen advanced easily to the semi-final and entered the last stage after a fine set to with Colin Stewart. George McKenzie failed before Ivor Creek who in turn succumbed to Billy Galloway in the semi-final, though the last named had to break record to defeat the Englishman.

Galloway’s figures 1 min 26 secs displaced the time established by George Mckenzie at the beginning of the season by 1 second.

The Australians were very conspicuous in the heats, Ned Kelly, Syd Parsons, Col Stewart and Jack Chapman as well as Galloway all going on a stage. McQueen accounted for Parsons, Stewart and Chapman went down a trifle unluckily to Kelly. The Edinburgh man had thus to get the better of Two Australians in the final.

In defeating Creek in the semi-final, Galloway had to thank a great dash from the start by which he swept right across the track to lead on the first bend. He endeavoured to exploit these tactics against McQueen but the latter refused to give way on the turn and Galloway was behind as they entered the back straight. There was little in it for another lap but in taking the top bend Galloway endeavoured to race to the inside berth. McQueen was not far enough out for this to be successful and though both riders were unsteadied for the moment, McQueen had his machine quickly under control to race ahead while Galloway swerved off the track. He recovered to get again beyond Ned Kelly but to catch McQueen was not possible, the Edinburgh man riding very carefully on the final bend to win by twenty yards. As McQueen took the home straight the crowd roared their welcome and he crossed the line to a thunderous ovation.

After the trophy and medallions had been presented by Mr. George Douglas, McQueen was carried triumphantly round the track. He was now the holder of both the 350cc and 500cc Championships of Scotland.