
Marine Gardens 22/06/1929

22 June 1929
Marine Gardens
Edinburgh Handicap
1st Bob McGregor
Scottish Gold Helmet
1st Ned Kelly

Lap Record Attempt
1st Ned Kelly
Edinburgh Handicap ( 4 Laps Standing Start )
Heat 1 Bob McGregor Paddy Stichweich Frank Duckett Bill Barclay Oliver Goodfellow 1min 40.4
Heat 2 James Edward Andy Milne William Forsyth James Logie Donald McDonald 1min 45.8
Heat 3 Ned Kelly Bill Dickie George McKenzie Harry Duncan (ef) Bob Dawson (f) 1min 39.8
Heat 4 Sam Reid Colin Stewart Eric Burnet Allan Campbell John Duncan 1min 39.2
Semi Final Bob McGregor Paddy Stichweich Andy Milne James Edward Frank Duckett (F) 1min 33.8
Semi Final Sam Reid George McKenzie Ned Kelly Bill Dickie Colin Stewart 1min 39.2
Final Bob McGregor Ned Kelly George McKenzie Paddy Stichweich Sam Reid 1min 41.6

Scottish Gold Helmet ( 4 Laps Flying Start )
Heat 1 Ned Kelly Paddy Stichweich John Duncan James Edward 1min 38.6
Heat 2 Bill Dickie Eric Burnet Bill Barclay Harry Duncan 1min 37.8
Heat 3 George McKenzie James Logie Colin Stewart Bob McGregor 1min 34.8
Heat 4 Frank Duckett Andy Milne Allan Campbell Sam Reid (F) 1min 37.4
Semi Final Ned Kelly Bill Dickie Eric Burnet Paddy Stichweich (F) 1min 32.8
Semi Final James Logie Frank Duckett Andy Milne George McKenzie (EF) 1min 35.2
Final: Ned Kelly Frank Duckett Bill Dickie James Logie (F) 1min 30.2

Lap Record Attempt
Ned Kelly 22sec Frank Duckett 22.2sec
The presence of such well known racers as Ned Kelly and Frank Duckett from Australia, brought out a crowd of about 15,000 spectators at the Marine Gardens Speedway on 22 June.

Kelly, who was on his first visit to this track, showed that he has nothing to learn in the art of broad siding as he won the gold helmet and was second in the handicap event.

The first two heats of the Edinburgh Handicap saw Bob McGregor, Killin, and J. Edward, Glasgow, to the fore, both winning with something to spare.

Ned Kelly came out in the third heat, which he won from Bill Dickie, Glasgow, by about 15 yards.

Col. Stewart, Australia, made a good show in the fourth heat but could never catch Sam Reid Edinburgh who was riding with his usual dash.

Bob McGregor was never troubled in the first semi-final when he beat Paddy Stichweich, Australia., Frank Duckett having fallen.

George McKenzie put up a fine display in the second semi-final but failed to catch Reid. Ned Kelly qualified for the final as fastest loser.

In the final Bob McGregor went clean away and won by about 60 yards from Kelly. McKenzie who had got badly away made a great effort and just failed to overhaul Kelly.

Frank Duckett, Ned Kelly and George McKenzie all got through their heats of the gold helmet as also did Bill Dickie, Glasgow. In the first semi-final Kelly won as he liked from Bill Dickie, Paddy Stichweich having fallen. George Mckenzie took the lead in the second semi-final, but after going well for two laps he was compelled to retire through engine trouble. James Logie, Edinburgh, won this heat from Frank Duckett. In the final Logie fell while going well, the race lying between Ned Kelly and Frank Duckett. Duckett held the lead until the last bend when, swinging wide, Kelly cut for the inside and won a thrilling race by five yards.

Kelly failed in his attempt on the lap record, being one tenth of a second outside Sprouts Elder’s time of 21 and nine tenth secs.