
1929 Star Riders Championship (Overseas)

1929 Star Riders Championship (Overseas) Star Riders Championship
Wembley Stadium, London, England
Frank Arthur 2-0 Vic Huxley
21/09/29 Wimbledon Frank Arthur 2-0 Vic Huxley
16/09/29 Harringay Frank Arthur 2-0 Vic Huxley
Semi Final
09/09/29 Wimbledon Vic Huxley 2-0 Sprouts Elder
26/08/29 Wimbledon Sprouts Elder 2-0 Vic Huxley
20/08/29 West Ham Vic Huxley 2-0 Sprouts Elder
31/08/29 Harringay Frank Arthur 2-1 Billy Lamont
30/08/29 White City Frank Arthur 2-0 Billy Lamont
Stan Catlett withdrew from the competition
Second Round
20/07/19 Stamford Billy Lamont 2-0 Art Pechar
12/07/19 White City Billy Lamont 2-0 Art Pechar
05/08/29 Wimbledon Vic Huxley 2-0 Ron Johnson
29/07/29 Wimbledon Ron Johnson 2-0 Vic Huxley
06/07/29 Crystal Palace Vic Huxley 2-0 Ron Johnson
10/08/29 Harringay Frank Arthur 2-0 Max Grosskreutz
03/08/29 Harringay Frank Arthur 2-0 Max Grosskreutz
06/07/29 Lea Bridge Max Grosskreutz 2-0 Frank Arthur
18/07/29 Coventry Stan Catlett 2-0 Alf Chick
04/07/29 Wembley Stan Catlett 2-0 Alf Chick
16/07/29 West Ham Sprouts Elder Billy Galloway
both riders were unable to compete due to injury. Sprouts Elder was awarded the tie
22/06/29 Southampton Sprouts Elder 2-0 Billy Galloway
Frank Arthur