
1995 World Championship Continental Preliminary Round 3

1995 World Championship Continental Preliminary Round 3 1 May 1995
World Championship
Straslund, Germany
GP Challenge / Continental Final / Continental SF 1 / Continental SF 2 / Continental QF 1 / Continental QF 2 / Continental QF 3 / Continental QF 4 / Continental Preliminary 1 / Continental Preliminary 2 / Continental Preliminary 3 / Continental Preliminary 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pts
1. Patrick Verbrugge  Holland 1 2 2 2 - - 10
2. Thomas Koch  Germany 2 3 2 3 - - 11
3. Jarosław Olszewski  Poland 3 1 1 3 - - 11
4. Christian Görtz  Germany 0 2 2 x - - 7
5. Steven van der Helm  Holland 0 0 0 1 - - 2
6. Angel Eduardo Velasquez  Argentina x 1 0 f - - 1
7. Igor Marko  Ukraine 3 3 3 3 - - 15
8. Dariusz Stenka  Poland 2 3 2 1 - - 10
9. Władimir Woronkow  Latvia 3 3 3 3 - - 14
10. Mike Ebensing  Germany 1 2 ef 0 - - 3
11. Enrico Hoth  Germany t t 1 2 - - 5
12. Steffen Leonhardt  Germany 2 x 3 1 - - 8
13. Damian Roth  Germany 1 1 1 0 - - 4
14. Witalij Sementos  Ukraine ef ef 0 0 - - 0
15. Aleksander Biznia  Latvia 3 2 1 2 - - 8
16. Igor Borysenko  Ukraine 2 1 3 2 - - 8
17. Roland Sass  Germany 1 f 0 - - - 2
18. ? - - - - - - - -
top 9 qualify for the Semi Finals
Heat by Heat
Heat 01 Olszewski Koch Verbrugge Gortz
Heat 02 Marko Stenka Velasquez (EX) van der Helm 
Heat 03 Woronkow  Leonhardt Ebensing Hoth (T)
Heat 04 Biznia Borysenko  D Roth Sementos (EF)
Heat 05 Woronkow  Verbrugge D Roth van der Helm 
Heat 06 Koch Ebensing Velasquez Sementos (EF)
Heat 07 Marko Biznia Olszewski Hoth (T)
Heat 08 Stenka Gortz Borysenko  Leonhardt
Heat 09 Borysenko  Verbrugge Hoth Velasquez
Heat 10 Leohardt Koch Biznia van der Helm 
Heat 11 Woronkow  Stenka Olszewski Sementos
Heat 12 Marko Gortz D Roth Ebensing (EF)
Heat 13 Marko Verbrugge Leonhardt Sementos
Heat 14 Koch Hoth Stenka D Roth
Heat 15 Olszewski Borysenko  van der Helm Ebensing
Heat 16 Woronkow  Biznia Velasquez (F) Gortz (EX)
Heat 17 Verbrugge Stenka Biznia (EX) Ebensing (T)
Heat 18 Marko Woronkow  Koch Borysenko (F)
Heat 19 Olszewski Leonhardt D Roth Velasquez
Heat 20 Gortz Hoth van der Helm Sementos
race off for 3rd place
Heat 21 Olszewski, Koch
race off for 7th and 8th place
Heat 22 Borysenko, Leohardt, Biznia