
Edinburgh vs Berwick 25/07/2014

Edinburgh 67 (106) 25 July 2014
Berwick 23 (74) Premier League KO Cup Quarter Final 2nd leg
Edinburgh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T B
1. Craig Cook 3 2' 3 2' 2' 12 3
2. Justin Sedgmen 2' 3 3 1 9 1
3. Max Fricke 2 2' 3 3 10 1
4. Stevie Worrall 1' 3 2' 3 9 2
5. Sam Masters 2' 3 3 3 3 14 1
6. Aaron Fox 3 3 r 1 1 8
7. Derek Sneddon 2' ex 1 2' 5 2
1. Rusty Harrison (G) 1 1 2 0 4
2. David Bellego 0 fx 2 0 2
3. Steen Jensen 3 2 2 fx 0 7
4. Matthew Wethers 0 1' 0 2 3 1
5. Kevin Doolan fx 1 1 1 1 4
6. Liam Carr 1 1 0 0 1 3
7. Nathan Greaves (G) r ex 0 0 0
Heat 1 Cook, Sedgmen, Harrison, Bellego (55.6)
Heat 2 Fox, Sneddon, Carr, Greaves (r) (56.2)
Heat 3 Jensen, Fricke, Worrall, Wethers (56.4)
Heat 4 Fox, Masters, Carr, Doolan (fx) (AWD)
Heat 5 Worrall, Fricke, Harrison, Bellego (F/x)
Heat 6 Sedgmen, Cook, Doolan, Carr (55.7)
Heat 7 Masters, Jensen, Wethers, Fox (r) (56)
Heat 8 Sedgmen, Bellego, Sneddon, Greaves (56.6)
Heat 9 Fricke, Worrall, Doolan, Carr (56.5)
Heat 10 Cook, Jensen, Sedgmen, Wethers (56)
Heat 11 Masters, Harrison, Fox, Bellego (56.7)
Heat 12 Fricke, Sneddon, Carr, Jensen (F/x) (57.5)
Heat 13 Masters, Cook, Doolan, Harrison (57)
Heat 14 Worrall, Wethers, Fox, Greaves (57.8)
Heat 15 Masters, Cook, Doolan, Jensen (56.7)
report from the Evening News

Edinburgh Monarchs steamrollered their way into the speedway Knockout Cup semi -finals after crushing Berwick Bandits 67-23 in last night's quarter final second leg tie at Armadale.
It was Monarchs biggest win of the season as they easily overturned the 12 point deficit they incurred in Wednesday's first match at Shielfield Park. The Bandits never stood a chance as Monarchs were in easy street after leading 35-13 following just eight races.
Some of Berwick's heat leaders ought to be asking questions of themselves, most notably Matthew Wethers and David Bellego, who managed just five points between them. Wethers, a former Monarchs captain, looked as if he'd never seen his old home before.
If it hadn't been for Steen Jensen, who was top scorer with seven points, the Border outfit would have been virtually whitewashed Yet Jensen was far from dominant on his own track in midweek.
For Monarchs it proved a total points feast and another visit to the cashline machine for the Monarchs management to help pay the wage bill! The match was notable for the paid 15-point maximum that Sam Masters achieved – his first for the club.
Masters was delighted and said afterwards: "That was a bit of a monkey off my back – I'm just stoked to have done it at last. But this was an incredible display by the whole team. We never let Berwick into the match."
Fellow countryman Max Fricke who picked up ten points, winning his last two rides, said: " We were a bit disappointed at losing two matches in a row this week and were determined to go out and put that right.
"To score so heavily simply underlined the fact that we were all up for this tie after our slightly disappointing display down at Berwick.
"And Sam was awesome all night. He has been waiting for that maximum for a long time. But were Berwick exceptionally poor, or were we exceptionally good, you can look at it either way. Everybody gated really well and raced hard and that was the main thing for us."
Fricke added: "To reach the semi finals is great. It means more meetings for us and we can't complain about that."
Monarchs: Masters 14, Cook 12, 
Fricke 10, Worrall 9, Sedgmen 9, Fox 8, Sneddon 5.
Berwick: Jensen 7, Harrison 4, 
Doolan 4, Wethers 3, Carr 3, Bellego 2, Greaves 0.