
Britain vs Overseas 06/10/1962

Britain 606 October 1962
Third Test Match
Old Meadowbank
Overseas 48
Britain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T B
1. Doug Templeton 3 1 2' 1' 3 1 11 2
2. Jimmy Squibb 2' 3 3 2 1 3 14 1
3. Eric Boothroyd 3 3 1 3 1' 2 13 2
4. George Hunter 2' 1 0 0 2 3 8 1
5. Guy Allott 2 0 0 2 2 1 7
6. Brian Craven 1' 3 1 1' 1' 0 7 3
7. Ivor Brown dnr
8. Norman Hunter dnr

1. Wayne Briggs 1 2 3 3 3 3 15
2. Geoff Mudge 0 0 2' 0 0 2 1
3. Trevor Redmond 1 2 1 1' 3 0 8 1
4. Bill Andrews 0 1' 0 0 1 1
5. Brian McKeown 3 2 2' ef 2 1 10 1
6. Graham Warren 0 0 0
7. Charlie Monk 2 2' 0 4 1
8. Dudley McKean 3 3 0 2 8
Heat 1 D.Templeton, Squibb, Briggs, Mudge 69.0
Heat 2 Boothroyd, Hunter, Redmond, Andrews 69.4
Heat 3 McKeown, Allott, Craven, Warren 69.8
Heat 4 Boothroyd, Briggs, Hunter, Mudge 70.0
Heat 5 Craven, Redmond, Andrews, Allott 69.8
Heat 6 Squibb, McKeown, D.Templeton, Warren 69.6
Heat 7 Briggs, Mudge, Craven, Allott 70.2
Heat 8 Squibb, D.Templeton, Redmond, Andrews 69.8
Heat 9 McKean, McKeown, Boothroyd, Hunter 69.8
Heat 10 Briggs, Squibb, D.Templeton, Mudge 68.4
Heat 11 Boothroyd, Monk, redmond, Hunter 69.4
Heat 12 McKean, Allott, Craven, Mckeown (ef)71.0
Heat 13 Briggs, Hunter, Boothroyd, Mudge 69.8
Heat 14 Redmond, Allott, Craven, Andrews 70.2
Heat 15 D.Templeton, McKeown, Squibb, Mckean 69.0
Heat 16 Briggs, Monk, Allott, Craven 70.0
Heat 17 Squibb, McKean, D.Templeton, Redmond 69.8
Heat 18 Hunter, Boothroyd, McKeown, Monk 70.0

Scottish Open Provincial Riders Championship 29/09/1962

Scottish Open Provincial Riders Championship29 September 1962
Scottish Open
Old Meadowbank
1 2 3 4 5 T
1. Willie Templeton 2 0 2 2 3 9
2. Bill Andrews 0 1 1 0 1 3
3. Geoff Mudge 1 ef 1 0 1 3
4. Doug Templeton 3 3 3 3 3 15 1st
5. Brian McKeown 0 1 2 2 1 6
6. George Hunter 3 f ef ef 3
7. Dick Campbell 2 2 ef 0 4
8. Gil Goldfinch 1 1 f 1 0 3
9. Brian Craven 1 ef 1 1 2 5
10. Ross Gilbertson 0 3 1 2 0 6
11. Wayne Briggs 3 3 2 2 2 12
12. Dudley McKean 2 ex 3 1 2 8
13. Jimmy Tannock 0 2 0 1 1 4
14. Trevor Redmond 2 3 3 3 2 13 3rd
15. Eric Boothroyd 3 2 3 3 3 14 2nd
16. Jimmy Squibb 1 2 2 3 3 11
R1. Bill McMillan 0 0 0
Heat 1 D.Templeton, W.Templeton, Mudge, Andrews 67.8
Heat 2 Hunter, Campbell, Goldfinch, McKeown 68.4
Heat 3 Briggs, McKean, Craven, Gilbertson 68.6
Heat 4 Boothroyd, Redmond, Squibb, Tannock 69.6
Heat 5 Briggs, Squibb, McKeown, W.Templeton 69.2
Heat 6 Redmond, Campbell, Andrews, Craven (ef) 70.8
Heat 7 Gilbertson, Tannock, Hunter (f), Mudge (f/exc) 71.0
Heat 8 D.Templeton, Boothroyd, Goldfinch, McKean (f/exc) 68.4
Heat 9 Boothroyd, W.Templeton, Gilbertson, Campbell (f) 70.6
Heat 10 McKean, McKeown, Andrews, Tannock 71.2
Heat 11 Redmond, Briggs, Mudge, Goldfinch (f) 69.2
Heat 12 D.Templeton, Squibb, Craven, Hunter (ef) 69.8
Heat 13 Redmond, W.Templeton, McKean, Hunter (ef) 70.6
Heat 14 Squibb, Gilbertson, Goldfinch, Andrews 71.4
Heat 15 Boothroyd, McKeown, Craven, Mudge 70.6
Heat 16 D.Templeton, Briggs, Tannock, Campbell 69.4
Heat 17 W.Templeton, Craven, Tannock, Goldfinch 71.6
Heat 18 Boothroyd, Briggs, Andrews, McMillan 70.4
Heat 19 Squibb, McKean, Mudge, McMillan 71.0
Heat 20 D.Templeton, Redmond, McKeown, Gilbertson 70.6

Edinburgh vs Oxford 21/09/1962

Edinburgh Monarchs 4321 September 1962
Old Meadowbank
Oxford "B" 34
Edinburgh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T B
1. Wayne Briggs 2 3 3 1 9
2. Willie Templeton 1' 0 ef 0 1 1
3. George Hunter 1 3 3 3 10
4. Eric Boothroyd (g) 0 2' 3 1 6 1
5. Doug Templeton 1 2' 3 3 9 1
6. Dudley McKean 0 3 f ef 3
7. Dick Campbell 3 2' 5 1

1. Gordon McGregor 3 0 2 0 5
2. Ronnie Genz 0 2 1 ef 3
3. Jack Geran 2' 2 f 2 6 1
4. Jack Biggs 3 1' 1 2 7 1
5. Alf Hagon 3 1 2 2 8
6. Colin Goody 2' 0 1' 1' 4 3
7. John Bishop 1' 0 1 1

Heat 1 McGregor, Briggs, W.Templeton, Genz 68.6
Heat 2 Biggs, Geran, Hunter, Boothroyd 71.6
Heat 3 Campbell, Genz, Bishop, W.Templeton 71.4
Heat 4 Hagon, Gooddy, D.Templeton, McKean 71.2
Heat 5 Briggs, Geran, Biggs, W.Templeton (ef) 69.8
Heat 6 Hunter, Boothroyd, Hagon, Gooddy 70.2
Heat 7 McKean, D.Templeton, Genz, McGregor 70.0
Heat 8 Boothroyd, Hunter, Biggs, Bishop 70.6
Heat 9 Briggs, Hagon, Gooddy, W.Templeton 69.8
Heat 10 D.Templeton, Biggs, McKean (f), Geran (f) 69.6
Heat 11 Hunter, Mcgregor, Boothroyd, Genz (ef) 69.2
Heat 12 D.Templeton, Hagon, Gooddy, McKean (ef) 69.8
Heat 13 Hunter, Geran, Briggs, McGregor 69.8

Edinburgh vs Middlesbrough 15/09/1962

Edinburgh Monarchs 4115 September 1962
Provincial League
Old Meadowbank
Middlesbrough 37
Edinburgh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T B
1. Wayne Briggs 1 3 3 2 9
2. Willie Templeton ef ef 2' 2 1
3. George Hunter 3 2 2 0 7
4. Dudley McKean 1 1' 3 1' 6 2
5. Doug Templeton 2 3 3 2 10
6. Dick Campbell 1' f 2' 1' 4 3
7. Jimmy Cox 2 1 3

1. Eric Boothroyd 3 2 3 3 11
2. Eric Boocock 2' 3 1' f 6 2
3. John Fitzpatrick 2 2 f 1 5
4. Clive Hitch 0 0 2 1 3
5. Brian McKeown 3 3 ef 3 9
6. Dave Younghusband 0 0 1 0 1
7. Kevin Torpie 1 1' 2 1

Heat 1 Boothroyd, Boocock, Briggs, W.Templeton (ef) 69.6
Heat 2 Hunter, Fitzpatrick, McKean, Hitch (f/rem) 70.2
Heat 3 Boocock, Cox, Torpie, W.Templeton (ef) 70.2
Heat 4 McKeown, D.Templeton, Campbell, Younghusband 68.6
Heat 5 Briggs, Fitzpartick, Cox, Hitch 70.2
Heat 6 McKeown, Hunter, McKean, Younghusband 69.8
Heat 7 D.Templeton, Boothroyd, Boocock, Campbell (f) 68.4
Heat 8 McKean, Hitch, Torpie, Cox (ns) 70.6
Heat 9 Briggs, W.Templeton, Younghusband, McKeown (ef) 69.8
Heat 10 D.Templeton, Campbell, Hitch, Fitzpatrick (f) 69.0
Heat 11 Boothroyd, Hunter, McKeown, Boocock (f) 69.0
Heat 12 McKeown, D.Templeton, Campbell, Younghusband 69.0
Heat 13 Boothroyd, Briggs, Fitzpatrick, Hunter 69.2

Wolverhampton vs Edinburgh 14/09/1962

Wolverhampton Wolves 3914 September 1962
Provincial League
Monmore Green
Edinburgh Monarchs 39
Wolverhampton 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T B
1. Tommy Sweetman 0 3 2 3 8
2. Vic Ridgeon 2 3 2' 1' 8 2
3. Ernie Baker 1' 3 f ex 4 1
4. Cyril Francis 2 1 3 1 7
5. Graham Warren 3 0 1 2 6
6. Les Jenkins 1 2 0 3
7. Errol Brook 1 1 1' 3 1

1. Wayne Briggs 3 1 2' 1' 7 2
2. Wille Templeton 1 2 3 3 9
3. George Hunter 3 2 2' 2 9 1
4. Jimmy Tannock 0 1 1
5. Doug Templeton 2 2 3 3 3 13
6. Dudley McKean 0 0 0 0 0
7. Bill McMillan 0 0 0 0

Wolverhampton Wolves
Les Jenkins, Derek Strutt, Ernie Baker, Cyril Francis, Graham Warren, Tom Sweetman, Kid Bodie (Howard Cole), Bill Bridget- Manager. Vic Ridgeon on bike.
Plus Chris Sweetman kneeling
Heat 1 Briggs, Ridgeon, W.Templeton, Sweetman 69.4
Heat 2 Hunter, Francis, Baker, Tannock 70.2
Heat 3 Ridgeon, W.Templeton, Brook, McMillan 70.4
Heat 4 Warren, D.Templeton, Jenkins, McKean 69.4
Heat 5 Sweetman, Ridgeon, Tannock, Mcmillan 70.2
Heat 6 Baker, D.Templeton, Francis, McKean 71.0
Heat 7 W.Templeton, Jenkins, Briggs, Warren 71.6
Heat 8 Francis, Hunter, Brook, McMillan 71.0
Heat 9 D.Templeton, Sweetman, Rigeon, McKean 69.6
Heat 10 D.Templeton, Hunter, Warren, Jenkins 69.8
Heat 11 W.Templeton, Briggs, Francis, Baker (f) 72.4
Heat 12 D.Templeton, Warren, Brook, McKean 69.8
Heat 13 Sweetman, Hunter, Briggs, Baker (exc) 70.4

Middlesbrough vs Edinburgh 13/09/1962

Middlesbrough Bears 5413 September 1962
Provincial League
Cleveland Park
Edinburgh Monarchs 24
Middlesbrough 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T B
1. Eric Boothroyd 2' 2' 2' 3 9 3
2. Eric Boocock 3 3 3 3 12 M
3. John Fitzpatrick 3 3 2 1 9
4. Clive Hitch 2' 2' 2 0 6 2
5. Brian McKeown 3 2 2 3 10
6. Dave Younghusband 2' 1' 1' 2' 6 4
7. Kevin Torpie 1 1' 2 1

1. Wayne Briggs 0 3 3 3 2 11
2. Jimmy Tannock 1 2 0 1 0 4
3. George Hunter 1 ef 3 4
4. Jack Swales 0 1 1
5. Doug Templeton 0 0 1 0 1
6. Dudley McKean 1 1 0 1 0 3
7. Bert Harkins 0 0 0

Middlesbrough Bears
Heat 1 Boocock, Boothroyd, Tannock, Briggs 70.6
Heat 2 Fitzpatrick, Hitch, Hunter, Swales 71.6
Heat 3 Boocock, Tannock, Torpie, Harkins 71.8
Heat 4 McKeown, Younghusband, McKean, D.Templeton 72.8
Heat 5 Boocock, Boothroyd, Swales, Hunter (ef) 72.0
Heat 6 Fitzpatrick, Hitch, McKean, D.Templeton 71.8
Heat 7 Briggs, McKeown, Younghusband, Tannock 72.0
Heat 8 Briggs, Hitch, Torpie, Harkins 71.6
Heat 9 Boocock, Boothroyd, D.Templeton, McKean 72.0
Heat 10 Hunter, McKeown, Younghusband, D.Templeton 71.8
Heat 11 Briggs, Fitzpatrick, Tannock, Hitch 72.0
Heat 12 McKeown, Younghusband, McKean, Tannock 72.2
Heat 13 Boothroyd, Briggs, Fitzpatrick, McKean 72.0

Exeter vs Edinburgh 10/09/1962

Exeter Falcons 5710 September 1962
Provincial League KO Cup Semi Final
County Ground 
Edinburgh Monarchs 39
Exeter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T B
1. Pete Lansdale 1 2 2' 2 2' 9 2
2. Francis Cann 0 2 3 1' 2 8 2
3. Len Silver 3 3 2 3 3 14
4. Dennis Day 2' 1' 3 1 3 10 2
5. Howdy Byford 2 0 3 2 1 8
6. Alan Cowland 0 2 2' ef 3 7 1
7. Eric Howe 0 2' 2 4 1

1. Wayne Briggs 3 2 3 2 2 12
2. Wille Templeton 2' 3 1 0 1 7 1
3. George Hunter 1 0 0 ef 1 2
4. Jimmy Tannock f 1 0 1
5. Doug Templeton 3 3 3 3 0 12
6. Dudley McKean 1 0 f 0 1
7. Bill McMillan 1 1 1 1 4

Exeter Falcons
Francis Cann, Roy Bowers, Wally Mawdsley, Jack Unstead, Dennis Day Pete Lansdale, and Eric Howe with Len Silver (on bike)
Heat 1 Briggs, W.Templeton, Lansdale, Cann 77.8
Heat 2 Silver, Day, Hunter, Tannock (f) 77.0
Heat 3 W.Templeton, Cann, McMillan, Howe (ret) 81.0
Heat 4 Silver, Briggs, Lansdale, Hunter 78.6
Heat 5 D.Templeton, Byford, McKean, Cowland 82.4
Heat 6 Cann, Lansdale, Tannock, Hunter 79.4
Heat 7 D.Templeton, Silver, Day, McKean 77.6
Heat 8 Briggs, Cowland, W.Templeton, Byford 79.4
Heat 9 Day, Howe, McMillan, Tannock 80.8
Heat 10 D.Templeton, Lansdale, Cann, McKean (f) 78.8
Heat 11 Byford, Cowland, McMillan, Hunter (ef) 80.8
Heat 12 Silver, Briggs, Day, W.Templeton 76.4
Heat 13 D.Templeton, Byford, McMillan, Cowland (ef) 77.4
Heat 14 Silver, Lansdale, W.Templeton, Tannock (ns) 76.0
Heat 15 Cowland, Cann, Hunter, McKean 78.2
Heat 16 Day, Briggs, Byford, D.Templeton 77.4

Edinburgh vs Neath 07/09/1962

Edinburgh Monarchs 42 7 September 1962
Provincial League
Old Meadowbank
Neath Welsh Dragons 36
Edinburgh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T B
1. Wayne Briggs ef 3 3 3 9
2. Willie Templeton 1' 1 1 1 4 1
3. George Hunter 3 3 3 2' 11 1 P
4. Alf Wells 1 0 3 1 5
5. Doug Templeton 3 1 3 3 10
6. Dudley McKean f ef f 0
7. Jimmy Tannock 2 1 0 3

1. Trevor Redmond 2' 2' 2 1 7 2
2. Roy Taylor 3 ef 3 ef 6
3. Glyn Chandler 0 2 2 0 4
4. Jon Erskine 2 0 2 1' 5 1
5. Charlie Monk 2 1' 2 2 7 1
6. George Major 1' 2 0 1' 4 2
7. Jimmy Cox 3 0 3
Neath welsh Dragons 1962
Neath Dragons
(back) Brian Leamon, Glyn Chandler, Mike Erskin, Roy Taylor, Howdy Cornell, ? Powell )front) George Major, Freddie Powell Jon Erskine, Ken Williams
Heat 1 Taylor, Redmond, W.Templeton, Briggs (ef) 71.2
Heat 2 Hunter, Erskine, Wells, Chandler 71.4
Heat 3 Cox, Tannock, W.Templeton, Taylor (ef) 71.2
Heat 4 D.Templeton, Monk, Major, McKean (f) 71.0
Heat 5 Briggs, Chandler, W.Templeton, Erskine 69.6
Heat 6 Hunter, Major, Monk, Wells 72.6
Heat 7 Taylor, Redmond, D.Templeton, McKean (ef) 72.0
Heat 8 Wells, Erskine, Tannock, Cox 71.4
Heat 9 Briggs, Monk, W.Templeton, Major 69.8
Heat 10 D.Templeton, Chandler, Erskine, McKean (f) 70.6
Heat 11 Hunter, Redmond, Wells, Taylor (ef) 72.0
Heat 12 D.Templeton, Monk, Major, Tannock 69.6
Heat 13 Briggs, Hunter, Redmond, Chandler 69.6