
Edinburgh vs Warrington 31/05/1930

Edinburgh 23 31 May 1930
Warrington 13 Northern League
1 George McKenzie 3 2 2' 7 1
2 Drew McQueen 1 1 3 5
3 Syd Parsons 3 ef 1 4
4 Len Stewart 1 3 3 7
5 Gordon Spalding dnr
1 Tommy Hatch 2 0 2 4
2 Norman Dawson 0 1 0 1
3 George Milton 2 3 0 5
4 Charlie Hornby 0 2 1 3
5 Alex McLachlan dnr
Edinburgh 23-13 Warrington
Ht 1 McKenzie, Hatch, McQueen, Dawson 4 2 4 2 1min 27.2
Ht 2 Parsons, Milton, Stewart, Hornby 4 2 8 4 1min 25.2
Ht 3 Milton, McKenzie, Dawson, Parsons (EF) 2 4 10 8 1min 25.6
Ht 4 Stewart, Hornby, McQueen, Hatch 4 2 14 10 1min 26.4
Ht 5 McQueen, Hatch, Parsons, Milton 4 2 18 12 1min 28.4
Ht 6 Stewart, McKenzie, Hornby, Dawson 5 1 23 13 1min 25.4

Edinburgh Handicap ( 4 Laps Standing Start )
Ht 1 Bill Barclay Bill David George Pinkerton Bob Dawson 1min 37.4
Ht 2 Clem Beckett Tom Royston Bob McGregor John Miller 1min 31.6
Ht 3 Tommy Hatch Gordon Spalding (NF) Drew McQueen (NF) George Milton (NF) 1min 32.6
Ht 4 George McKenzie Alex McLachlan Charlie Hornby Len Stewart (F) Norman Dawson (F) 1min 29.6
Final Tommy Hatch Clem Beckett Bill Barclay George McKenzie (F) 1min 30.6

Scottish Gold Sash ( 4 Laps Flying Start )
Ht 1 George Milton Clem Beckett Bill Barclay George McKenzie (F) 1min 24.6
Ht 2 Alex McLachlan Drew McQueen Bob Dawson 1min 28.2
Ht 3 Len Stewart Tommy Hatch [ George Pinkerton Bob McGregor 1min 26.4
Ht 4 Syd Parsons Tom Royston [ Two Starters Only 1min 27.4
Final George Milton Alex McLachlan Syd Parsons (ET) Len Stewart (F) 1min 26.4
The Edinburgh team’s winning sequence of home victories was continued at the Marine Gardens on 31 May when before a crowd of 8000 they inflicted on the Warrington Speedway defeat by 23 points to 13.

This was only the second defeat Warrington had sustained in the Northern League but, attractive though the visitors were, the superiority of the home riders could not be gainsaid.

The win was pretty equitably contributed to by all members of the Edinburgh side, though Parsons was twice the victim of ill fortune in the shape of mechanical trouble when he was leading the field. Drew McQueen was in slightly better form.

Beaten though they were in the league test, the Warrington riders rehabilitated themselves individually in the Handicap and Gold Sash events.

However fortune may have aided him by its untoward ministrations to other riders, Tommy Hatch was sufficiently attractive and sound in his performance to deserve victory in the Handicap final.

No less appropriate was George Milton’s victory in the Gold sash race notwithstanding that practically the entire Edinburgh team was rendered impotent by engine troubles.