
Edinburgh vs Sheffield 01/08/1939

Edinburgh 46 1 August 1939
Sheffield 37 ACU Northern Cup
Edinburgh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T B
1. George Greenwood 3 3 3 3 12
2. Bill Birtwell 1 1
3. Oliver Hart f 2 2 3 7
4. Jack Hyland f 1' 2' 0 3 2
5. Laurie Packer 3 0 0 3
6. Jack Chapman 2' 3 2 3 10 1
7. Wilf Plant 1 0 2 3
8. Leo Lungo 1 1' 2' 0 4 2
1. Ernie Evans 2 3 3 ef 8
2. Paddy Mills 0 2 2
3. Doug McLachlan 2' 2 3 2 9 1
4. Stan Williams 3 0 1' 1' 5 2
5. Aussie Powell 0 0 1 3 4
6. Broncho Dixon 1 2 0 1' 4 1
7. Harry Whitfield 2 0 1 1 4
8. Harwood Pike 0 1 1
Heat 1 Greenwood, Evans, Birtwell, Mills 1min 19.6 4 2 4 2
Heat 2 Williams, McLachlan, Hyland (F), Hart (F) 1min 21.8 0 5 4 7
Heat 3 Packer, Chapman, Dixon, Powell 1min 22.0 5 1 9 8
Heat 4 Greenwood, Whitfield, Plant, Williams 1min 22.8 4 2 13 10
Heat 5 Evans, Hart, Hyland, Whitfield 1min 20.6 3 3 16 13
Heat 6 Chapman, McLachlan, Williams, Packer 1min 20.6 3 3 19 16
Heat 7 Greenwood, Dixon, Lungo, Powell 1min 22 4 2 23 18
Heat 8 McLachlan, Hart, Lungo, Pike 1min 21.2 3 3 26 21
Heat 9 Evans, Chapman, Whitfield, Packer 1min 21.6 2 4 28 25
Heat 10 Greenwood, McLachlan, Williams, Plant 1min 22.2 3 3 31 28
Heat 11 Hart, Hyland, Powell, Dixon 1min 21.8 5 1 36 29
Heat 12 Packer, Lungo, Whitfield, Evans (EF) 1min 22.8 5 1 41 30
Heat 13 Powell, Plant, Pike, Hyland 1min 24.2 2 4 43 34
Heat 14 Chapman, Mills, Dixon, Lungo 1min 22 3 3 46 37

Reserves Race 
Leo Lungo Wilf Plant Bill Nisbet Harwood Pike 1min 25.2

Scottish Gold Helmet 
Heat 1 Jack Chapman Leo Lungo Harry Whitfield Aussie Powell 1min 22.8
Heat 2 Laurie Packer Doug McLachlan Jack Hyland Ernie Evans 1min 22.8
Heat 3 Oliver Hart Paddy Mills Broncho Dixon Wilf Plant 1min 23.8
Final: Jack Chapman Oliver Hart Laurie Packer Doug McLachlan 1min 21.8
 For the second week in succession the Edinburgh team returned a substantial home win when they defeated Sheffield in the ACU Northern Cup competition by nine points.

The Edinburgh captain George Greenwood once again scored maximum points and up to that date he was the only home rider whose points percentage was 100 per cent.

The home team started off well with a grand win for their captain who led all the way in the fast time of 1 min 19 secs.

The second heat was a chapter of accidents for Edinburgh. Hart was thrown from his machine as the tapes went up and Hyland came off on the bottom bend, leaving the Sheffield riders to cruise home for the points.

Packer and Chapman made amends in the next heat and placed Edinburgh on the lead. Chapman put up a great fight for second place, displacing Bronco Dixon on the line.

Edinburgh still held the lead after heat five despite the defeat of Hart who had to give best to Evans. Chapman gave the crowd a real thrill in heat six. The Sheffield men were quickly away, with McLachlan in the lead, when Chapman, with magnificent cornering fought his way o the front to record a fine win.

A bad looking collision occurred in heat seven when Greenwood over slid into Birtwell, bringing the latter down. Powell, following behind, crashed into both the fallen riders and it appeared as though all three riders were seriously injured. Birtwell, however, was the only stretcher case and he, on being examined by the doctor, was found to have sustained a fractured leg. This rider had also been unfortunate at Glasgow on the previousSaturday night where he sustained concussion. In the re-run of this race, Greenwood won easily from Bronco Dixon to increase Edinburgh’s points to 23 with Sheffield 18.

Chapman again thrilled the crowd in heat eight when he put up a terrific fight against Ernie Evans, but he was just beaten for speed.

Greenwood completed his maximum points in heat ten, Sheffield taking second and third places, but this result was received with mixed feelings by the crowd, who were of the opinion that the other Edinburgh man had been bored out of position.

Packer and Lungo definitely settled the decision in favour of the home team in heat twelve when they took first and second places respectively. With another convincing win, Chapman put Edinburgh's final score up to 46, to give the home team a good win by nine points.

A highlight of the meeting was the reserves’ race in which a great struggle took place between Lungo and Plant. With a grand effort Lungo held on to Plant for three laps and passed him on the bottom bend to win a magnificent race.

In the Scottish Gold Helmet event the Edinburgh captain George Greenwood had to withdraw owing to engine trouble. Chapman, Packer and Hart qualified easily for the final and the fastest loser was McLachlan. Packer went into the lead and looked like holding it when Chapman, with a great effort, forced his machine to the front to win a splendid race, Hart finishing a good second.