
Workington vs Edinburgh 14/06/2014

Workington 28 14 June 20144
Edinburgh 26 Premier League
meeting abandoned due to lack of medical cover
Workington 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T B
1. Richard Lawson (G) 2 3 5
2. Mason Campton 1' 1 2 4 1
3. Ricky Wells 1 2 1 4
4. Kyle Howarth 3 1' R 4 1
5. Rene Bach 1' 3 4 1
6. Simon Lambert 2 1 3
7. Taylor Poole (G) 1' 2 1' 4 2
1. Craig Cook 3 3 6
2. Justin Sedgmen 0 0 0 0
3. Max Fricke 2 2 4
4. Derek Sneddon 0 0 0
5. Sam Masters 0 2 3 5
6. Aaron Fox 0 0 2' 2 1
7. Stevie Worrall 3 3 3 9
Heat 1 Cook, Lawson, Campton, Sedgmen 62.90
Heat 2 Worrall, Lambert, Poole, Fox 63.90
Heat 3 Howarth, Fricke, Wells, Sneddon 64.7
Heat 4 Worrall, Poole, Bach, Masters 63.7
Heat 5 Cook, Wells, Howarth, Sedgmen 62.1
Heat 6 Lawson Masters Campton Fox 62.9
Heat 7 Bach Fricke Lambert Sneddon 63.6
Heat 8 Worrall Campton Poole Sedgmen 64.2
Heat 9 Masters Fox Wells Howarth 64.3
Heat 10
Heat 11
Heat 12
Heat 13
Heat 14
Heat 15