
Marine Gardens 25/05/1929

25 May 1929
Marine Gardens
Edinburgh Handicap
1st Drew McQueen
Scottish Golden Helmet
1st George McKenzie

Mach Race
1st Ivor Creek
Edinburgh Handicap ( 4 Laps Standing Start )
Heat 1 Drew McQueen Jim Holder Harry Duncan Bill Dickie Donald McDonald 1min 38.6
Heat 2 Ivor Creek Sam Reid Allan Campbell (F) Bob Dawson (F) 1min 38.8
Heat 3 Andy Milne George McKenzie Oliver Goodfellow William Forsyth Bill Barclay (7) 1min 42.4
Heat 4 James Edward Eric Burnet John Duncan Jim Thomas 1min 40.2
Semi Final Drew McQueen Sam Reid Harry Duncan Ivor Creek Jim Holder (F) 1min 35.2
Semi Final James Edward Andy Milne Oliver Goodfellow Eric Burnet(ET) George McKenzie (F)1min 40.4
Final Drew McQueen Oliver Goodfellow Andy Milne (F) James Edward (EF) Sam Reid (NS) 1min 39.2

Scottish Gold Helmet ( 4 Laps Flying Start )
Heat 1 Syd Parsons Eric Burnet Oliver Goodfellow John Duncan 1min 35.6
Heat 2 Drew McQueen William Forsyth Sam Reid James Edward 1min 36.8
Heat 3 George McKenzie Allan Campbell Bill Barclay Jim Holder 1min 34.6
Heat 4 Ivor Creek Harry Duncan Bill Dickie Andy Milne 1min 34.2
Semi-Final (1) Eric Burnet Syd Parsons William Forsyth Drew McQueen (F) 1min 33.4
Semi-Final (2) Ivor Creek George McKenzie Allan Campbell Harry Duncan 1min 32.4
Final: George McKenzie Eric Burnet Ivor Creek Syd Parsons 1min 31.4

Matc Race (4 Laps Flying Start)
Ivor Creek Bt Eric Burnet (F) 1min 34.6
Notwithstanding the other attractions in town, there was a crowd of 12,000 present at the Marine Gardens on 21 May to witness an excellent programme of dirt track racing under favourable weather conditions.

The sport all through was thrilling and greatly to the liking of the crowd was the fact that two local riders led the field home in the final of the Gold Helmet scratch race. This was undoubtedly the race of the afternoon.

The two visitors, Ivor Creek, England and Syd parsons, Australia, had qualified for the final stage where they met local talent Eric Burnet and George McKenzie. McKenzie had the inside berth at the start and made good use of his advantage, keeping to the grass despite Creek’s effort to get to the white line. Then Eric Burnett, with a spectacular dash to the inside further foiled the Englishman’s efforts. In this manner the four laps were reeled off, McKenzie with faultless riding maintaining his advantage in spite of another thrilling swerve by Burnett round the top corner at the end.

Creek, however, had already shown that he still retained his riding ability when he defeated Eric Burnett in a four laps match. he was successful in getting to the inside position on the first bend and drew away from Burnett to a comfortable but not invincible lead. He was riding in such a manner, however, that even had Burnett caught him up he would probably not have been able to get through without going wide and probably losing ground. In the end Burnett swerved on to the grass at the top bend, his machine which had been causing him trouble from the start turning right across the track as he endeavoured to take the corner.

While Drew McQueen rode well to win the handicap from the scratch mark, his task was made more easy when J. Edward, who was leading by a good margin, had to stop with engine trouble and Andy Milne, also in front, fell on a bend at the third lap. Thereafter McQueen had only to carry on to win as he pleased.