
Marine Gardens 20/04/1929

20 April 1929
Marine Gardens
Edinburgh Handicap
1st Archie Chisholm
Marine Gardens Speedway Scratch Race
1st Eric Burnet

Match Race
.1st George McKenzie
Edinburgh Handicap ( 4 Laps Standing Start )
Heat 1 Drew McQueen Charles Armstrong Roger May Allan Campbell Walter Elliot (5 Riders) 1min 35.2
Heat 2 Oliver Goodfellow Harry Duncan James Edward John Jackson George McKenzie (F) (4 Riders) 1min 39.8
Heat 3 Bill Dickie Bob Dawson Bill Barclay Sam Reid (F) Buzz Hibberd (NS) 1min 33.6
Heat 4 Eric Burnet John Duncan Archie Chisholm Andy Milne Ivor Creek (scr)(F) 1min 38.8
Semi Final Oliver Goodfellow Drew McQueen Harry Duncan Charles Armstrong Roger May 1min 37.6
Semi Final Archie Chisholm Eric Burnet Bill Dickie Bob Dawson John Duncan 1min 32.8
Final: Archie Chisholm Eric Burnet Oliver Goodfellow Roger May Drew McQueen (F Rmtd F) 1min 38.8

Marine Gardens Speedway Scratch Race ( 4 Laps Flying Start )
Heat 1 Eric Burnet Buzz Hibberd Bill Dickie John Jackson 1min 31.6
Heat 2 Allan Campbell Roger May John Duncan Bill Barclay 1min 39.6
Heat 3 Sam Reid Oliver Goodfellow Andy Milne Ivor Creek 1min 31.8
Heat 4 Drew McQueen Harry Duncan Archie Chisholm James Edward 1min 34.2
Semi-Final (1) Eric Burnet Roger May Buzz Hibberd Allan Campbell (NF) 1min 32.8
Semi-Final (2) Drew McQueen Sam Reid Oliver Goodfellow (F) Harry Duncan (F) 1min46.
Final: Eric Burnet Sam Reid Roger May Drew McQueen (ET) 1min 28.8

Match Race ( 4 Laps Flying Start )
Drew McQueen Bt Ivor Creek (F) 1min 28.4
Further evidence of the popularity of the dirt track sport was afforded on 20 April when a crowd of around 15,000 was present at Marine Gardens Speedway. They were given some fine thrilling racing and though there were some few spills, the evening was free from anything approaching serious accident.

George McKenzie’s spill in the Edinburgh Handicap caused no little concern at the time, but beyond slight concussion and a shaking he was none the worse at the end. The fall was, however, sufficient to preclude any further participation by him in the evening’s racing.

The best race was the match between Ivor Creek and Drew McQueen. The Englishman took the bends in more polished manner than McQueen but what the Edinburgh rider lost there he gained on the straight, where he was much faster. At the foot bend in the final lap the riders were together and though McQueen now looked to have the measure of his opponent, his task was made very easy by the failure of Creek’s engine. In the end a good race was partially spoiled by a poor finish. McQueen merely having to complete the course at an easy pace for victory.

McQueen’s share of misfortune cropped up in the final of the scratch race, when he failed to get going at the start while the others were well away. Sam Reid made the pace to Eric Burnet until the last lap where the latter had the better of the exchanges on the foot bends and kept ahead till the end. Burnet made a great effort in the final of the handicap and though he got up in the concluding stages to within an appreciable distance of challenge he failed narrowly in a hurricane finish to get beyond Archie Chisholm.