
Glasgow vs Edinburgh 30/04/2014

Glasgow 43 4 April 2014
Edinburgh 47 Air Fence Challenge
Edinburgh win 99-81 on aggregate
Edinburgh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T B
1. Kevin Wobert 2 1 0 2 5
2. Dimitri Berge 1' 0 1 2 4 1
3. Rusty Harrison 3 2 2 3 2 12
4. Mark Lemon 1 1' 1' 2 5 2
5. Theo Pijper 1 3 2 1' 0 7 1
6. Kasper Lykke Nielsen 1' 2' 1' 0 4 3
7. Anders Thomsen 2 0 3 1 6

Berwick 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T B
1. Craig Cook 3 3 3 3 3 15 M
2. Aaron Fox 0 0 0 0 0
3. Max Fricke 2 1 3 2 8
4. Derek Sneddon 0 0 1 1 2
5. Sam Masters 2' 2' 3 0 1 8 2
6. Justin Sedgmen 0 3 0 0 3
7. Stevie Worrall 3 3 2 3 11
Heat 01 Cook , Wolbert , Berge , Fox 58.5
Heat 02 Worrall, Lykke, Thomsen , Sedgmen 60.3
Heat 03 Harrison, Fricke, Lemon, Sneddon 59.1
Heat 04 Worrall , Masters , Pijper, Thomsen 59.9
Heat 05 Cook, Harrison, Lemon, Fox 58.6
Heat 06 Sedgmen, Masters, Wolbert, Berge 60.0
Heat 07 Pijper, Lykke, Fricke, Sneddon 60.5
Heat 08 Thomsen, Worrall, Berge, Fox 60.8
Heat 09 Masters, Harrison, Lemon, Sedgmen 60.3
Heat 10 Fricke, Berge, Sneddon, Wolbert 60.3
Heat 11 Cook, Pijper, Lykke, Fox 59.5
Heat 12 Harrison, Fricke, Thomsen, Sedgmen 60.4
Heat 13 Cook, Wolbert, Pijper, Masters 59.3
Heat 14 Worrall, Lemon , Sneddon , Lykke 61.1
Heat 15 Cook , Harrison, Masters , Pijper 59.5
report from the Daily Record
GLASGOW failed to overcome an Edinburgh Monarchs side led by the untouchable Craig Cook on Sunday.
The Tigers battled their way from the back in several races at Ashfield, but their poor heat starts let them down on too many occasions.
Edinburgh's strong performance at the gate proved crucial and Cook, as always, led the way with a 15-point haul.
It was Glasgow's third defeat in three days, after losing - albeit putting up a good battle - at Armadale on Friday and at Workington on Saturday.
Australian Rusty Harrison was the most impressive man in home colours at Ashfield - his incredible pass around two Monarchs riders in heat 12 raising the roof.
Anders Thomsen backed up Harrison by chasing down Justin Sedgman on the line to tie the scores and set up a tense finish to the meeting.
A three-all in heat 13 meant it was anyone's match going into the last two races.
However, impressive Edinburgh reserve Steve Worrall raced too far ahead of Mark Lemon in heat 14 to gain a Monarchs advantage, and that was followed by another 4-2 in heat 15.
New boys Dimitri Berge and Kasper Lykke fared well, scoring four and five respectively on their home debuts and battling by their opponents on more than one occasion.
But new No 1 Kevin Wolbert didn't manage race win, while captain Theo Pijper bagged just one victory from five races.
For Edinburgh, Cook was in untouchable form and Worrall raced home with 11 while Sam Masters scored 10 and Max Fricke 8.