
Northern League 1962

1962 Provincial Northern League  
The regional Provincial Leagues were reconstructed for 1962 with a Midland and Southern Leagues being created Stoke, Cradley Heath and Wolverhampton became members of the Midland league leaving the Northern League with five members. Sheffield Tigers were the champions losing only one match in this short tournament.
  W D L For Aga W D L For Aga Pts
Sheffield 4 0 0 219 93 2 1 1 148.5 162.5 13
Middlesborugh 3 0 1 171 140 1 0 3 145 165 8
Edinburgh 3 1 0 178 133 0 1 3 125 185 8
Newcastle 3 0 1 169.5 139.5 1 0 3 124 188 8
Bradford 1 1 2 156 155 0 0 4 118 193 3


07/04/1962 Edinburgh 39 39 Sheffield
12/04/1962 Sheffield 48 30 Middlesbrough
14/04/1962 Edinburgh 53 25 Newcastle
19/04/1962 Middlesbrough 42 35 Bradford
19/04/1962 Sheffield 59 19 Newcastle
21/04/1962 Edinburgh 39 38 Middlesbrough
23/04/1962 Newcastle 48 30 Bradford
26/04/1962 Middlesbrough 35 43 Newcastle
26/04/1962 Sheffield 56 22 Edinburgh
27/04/1962 Bradford 38 40 Sheffield
28/04/1962 Edinburgh 47 31 Bradford
30/04/1962 Newcastle 40 38 Middlesbrough
03/05/1962 Middlesbrough 46 32 Edinburgh
03/05/1962 Sheffield 55 22 Bradford
04/05/1962 Bradford 38 39 Middlesbrough
07/05/1962 Newcastle 37.5 39.5 Sheffield
10/05/1962 Middlesbrough 48 30 Sheffield
11/05/1962 Bradford 41 37 Newcastle
14/05/1962 Newcastle 44 32 Edinburgh
18/05/1962 Bradford 39 39 Edinburgh
From L-R Back row Tony Robinson, Bill Powell, Frank Varey, Ernest "Pedler" Palmer, Clive Featherby, Ron Bagley, Front row Ronnie Rolphe Guy Allott.Nicky Allott mascot, Jack Winstanley and Alan Jay.
Edinburgh Bradford Newcastle Newcastle